What To Know Going Into Law School

From 2L me

September 9, 2021

Happy Sunday friends!! How’s everyone doing? Me, I’m feeling a little bittersweet right now. I’m really excited to be almost done with law school and ready to get started on my life and career but I’m not looking forward to going back to school physically and mentally. Especially to head back to Knoxville with the pandemic still a threat to a true 3L year experience and because I’ve found my people in Miami while I’ve been home.

But enough about me for now! I was recently asked to do a post on common misconceptions about law school and I definitely will be doing that soon, but I also really want to do a Things You Should Know Before Starting Law School post first! If you’re an incoming 1L, this ones for you!

I’ve shared before what it’s really like in previous posts but here’s what to know before you start!

It’s going to be hard.

I don’t want to scare anyone out of it, there’s enough lawyers and law students doing that already but I want to prepare you for it. It’s not just tough physically. Mentally it’s one of the most challenging experiences because your life doesn’t stop for law school and you have to learn how balance it all (this is where time management comes in, but that’s another post). It’s hard but you can and will get through it!

From medical stuff to healing to friendship and roommate troubles, I’ve been through it all the last two years and I’m still here and I’m still pushing. I’m grateful for all that I’ve been through while I’m in school because it’s shaped me into who I am today, and it has given me TRUE, lasting friendships and mentors and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for them. You will find your place and people too!

Look for your people, go to therapy if you feel you need it, take time for you, give yourself grace along the way. It’s tough, but so are you!

Cold calls suck but no one really cares how you did.

Really, I promise. No one will remember your cold call, so don’t stress it! Cold calls can be scary, sure, I mean that Legally Blonde scene can scar you, and some professors are like that in real life, but the majority of professors are willing to help you out and they understand!

If you’re unprepared for class be honest either before class starts in person or email, or ask to go next class and BE READY TO ANSWER, but if you try to go and mess up or don’t get the right answer, brush it off. The professor isn’t there to embarrass you, they want to help you learn and grow.

Just don’t be cocky if you do go. Don’t be a gunner, no one likes that kid. Don’t try to be funny or a know it all and don’t waste time trying to act like you know the answer if you’re not prepared, that looks bad and will be remembered.

Just know that if you feel shakey and awkward and nervous, the only one who can tell is you and I promise your classmates will say good job after class! Be sure to pass it forward to the next person!

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

Make friends with the 2Ls and 3Ls, make friends with faculty and staff and put yourself out there! They’ve been where you are and can be great mentors, sounding boards or just help you feel like you’re not alone. Having a solid group of mentors and friends makes all the difference in law school!

From outlines, to review sessions, to recommendations on classes and advice on everything from jobs to what to wear to an interview, 99% of people want you to succeed!

You just gotta put yourself out there and make connections! Be social when you’re able to and be nice to everyone you meet, you never know where you’ll each end up!


Networking is your BFF. Similar to putting yourself out there with friends at school, it’s so important to make friends with professors, adjuncts and lawyers in your community.

LinkedIn is my favorite social media website ever and I’ll tell you why: really cool articles you actually care about and meeting people in the fields you want to be in! You can follow companies, newspapers and people you want to learn more about and connect with them. When you build a network, you can foster it and leverage them for recommendations, interviews and maybe land a job that way! And pass it forward, introduce people you already know to the people you connect with, it looks good on you and it feels good too.

And it’s FUN! I love meeting new people, intellectual stimulation and learning about something new. And if you’re not a social butterfly, that’s ok too, take it slow and use the LinkedIn messaging to keep in touch and comment on posts you enjoy, and go from there! As long as you’re meeting people in the community you’re doing great! This field and life is all about WHO YOU KNOW so go out there and make it happen!

There’s more to law than BigLaw.

Read that again. And again.

You don’t need to go into BigLaw to make it. Most people don’t and even if they do, they’re not necessarily happy. And a lot of people leave it after a few years anyway.

But I digress. Law schools survive off BigLaw partnerships and it’s a measure of success for them. And the perks are fun, lots of networking events, free drinks and food and more even as a law student. But if that’s not your thing, it’s totally ok! Your classmates and career services are gonna make it seem like BigLaw is the end all be all and you won’t be successful if you don’t get into a BigLaw firm or get a job offer to one after an internship there but that’s SO NOT TRUE.

Its not for everyone and you don’t have to compromise your values to be successful. Money isn’t everything, and if working 100+ hours a week doesn’t appeal to you, then don’t do it! It’s a toxic mentality and can really make you feel like you’re not good enough to be there, imposter syndrome is real! But actively work to tune out the noise if you know that it’s not where you want to be. It’s 100% to want to work with a solo practitioner, small or midsize firm, government agency, the military or even not use your law degree in a traditional law firm setting!

THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH A LAW DEGREE! Don’t let anyone tell you different. And even if you end up not using your JD in your future career, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. It taught you something that helped you get to where you are or want to be and that’s an amazing thing.

Law school is about the skills you learn and the growth that comes from it, not about where you end up or how much money you make. Don’t let it be a status symbol if you don’t care about those things. Stay true to you and you’re gonna do great!

Get involved!

Join an affinity group or student organization and be a part of the community! This helps with networking, can be really fun (events anyone?) and looks good on your resume. But more than that, it feels good to be a part of something, and it helps make law school a lot more than just school. It can be time consuming so be selective, but it’s so rewarding! It’s also a great way to meet people other than in class and you can talk about common interests and just have a good time!

Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget to take care of YOU. We sometimes can get so wrapped up in the law school grind that we forget we’re human and that there’s so much more to us than just law school. The way law school is set up actually really sucks and you can get lost in the noise and work, you can lose yourself and your individuality really easy. Make sure you take time to step back and reflect and adjust along the way!

I’m a big reader so I try to read for fun on occasion, I enjoy blogging and content creating on IG so I do that on the side as a hobby that happens to make me money.

Find what makes you happy and stick to it. It’s hard to find time for it all but even when you prioritize school, which you should, don’t forget to make time for what you enjoy away from school. You need the mental break and to recharge your batteries so you’re fresh and ready for your classes, to be a good friend and member of the community, and person as whole. When you’re on school breaks, make it a point to totally disconnect for a few days to decompress and don’t forget to have fun!

I have some self care tips and routines up on my blog so if you need ideas or tips be sure to check those out!

Don’t forget to take care of your mental health and make time to be present for your loved ones outside of the law school bubble too, your family and friends won’t understand what you’re going through, don’t force them to get it, but make sure you don’t neglect them either. At the end of the day they love you and are so proud of you and what you to be happy and succeed, show them how much they mean to you, even if it’s a text or call on occasion. You’ll be so happy you did and it feels really good!

If you’re a current law student or alum, leave any tips you have in the comments or send them to me so I can add them in! If you’re incoming, welcome to the club! Get ready for some really fun, tough and crazy 3 years, it’ll all be worth it in the end!!

As always if you need advice or a friend, just reach out, I’m always here to help! Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla