Tips For Working Through A Mental Health Day

I've always been really open about my mental health struggles so I wanted to share how I navigate the tough days. Some of these habits have carried into my professional life and late 20s and for that I am grateful.

November 30, 2021

Last night was really challenging for me because I realized a few things about myself and my mental health. I decided to go back to therapy, something that while I know will be so impactful, scares the hell out of me because I’m not emotionally ready to unpack the next layer even though I desperately need to. The further I hold back the more I’m only hurting myself and those around me by not being the best version of myself. I’m really proud of my ability to feel my emotions and allow them to teach me something. 

I’m so happy that the last few years of healing and growth has given me the tools to make the choice to continue improving so I can show up as the girl I know I can be. I was the most confident, outspoken, fun little girl and in middle, high school and college I lost her. Mental health and getting lost in the shuffle took what made me me out of the equation.

The last few years have truly changed my life. My time in law school not only is giving me my degree and valuable connections and life skills, it gave me me back. I rediscovered who I am and what I want. I began to put myself first. I began to heal, grow, evolve and love my self. It has been this work on myself that has given me the platforms that I do and with all of that it gave me the ability to share these moments with you. I have my bad days still. Very often. Now I let myself feel and use what my body and mind tells me to make actionable steps to feel better and improve. These are a few of the tips that are in my toolbox and after last night I knew I had to share with you all. I shared the below on IG but I wanted to give more back story here on the blog. This one is for you 🤎 

Have you ever needed to just take a moment or two for yourself? When you feel a mental breakdown coming or are just having a rough day, here are some ways I work through them that have really changed my life

+Allowing yourself to feel

I was watching @samiclarke on YouTube last night where she shared that the best way for her to work through a bad day is to allow her body to tell her what it needs. My body broke down last night in a way it hasn’t in a very long time. I’ve never been shy about feeling my emotions but I was trying to avoid these in particular for a while so finally letting it out felt sooo good

+Calling a friend

Talking to someone, a friend or family member you trust or a therapist can really make a difference. I was able to express how I feel to my closest people and being able to talk it out and get reassurance that I am loved, that making this realization and taking steps to work on them will be a good thing and that I will be ok makes a world of difference for me. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch, so a hug from a friend would have really helped too!

+Clean/organize your space 

Put away laundry, do the dishes, wipe down the counters. Something about going to sleep to a clean space really eases my anxiety and helps me feel calmer. I’m not the cleanest or most organized person but doing a little sprucing up helps me feel in control. And if you don’t have the energy to do it, that’s ok too! Sometimes that’s tomorrows problem and it’ll get done eventually, promise

+Get Outside

Grounding yourself in nature and moving your body does wonders!! Hopefully it’s not too cold where you live, if it is do an at home movement session like yoga or stretching. I try to go for a walk even if its to take out the trash if its not freezing at least once a week. My walks are my favorite little moments for myself if I can make it happen.


The most important tip! Get some much needed sleep and give yourself permission to physically take a break. Light a candle, turn on your salt lamp, put on spa music and just relax. Drink lots of water and take cbd or melatonin and allow yourself to rest, you’ll wake up refreshed and with a lighter head and body and it feels good – don’t forget to turn off the candle!

I hope this inspires you a little like it did me

If you’re having a rough day, I hope this can be a reminder that it’s ok to feel it and it’s ok to allow yourself to go there so you can heal and grow. Evolution, self actualization and self love is the most beautiful thing you can do for yourself. Give yourself the space to check in, listen to your body, give it what it needs and you will see the return on investment in yourself in time. YOU GOT THIS

I love that I’m able to share these moments with you and I’m so grateful for this community. Sending you all love and good energy going into the weekend! ✨

xo Kayla