Remember Your Why

It's officially law school application season...

October 1, 2019

I want to share an important message that applies not only during the application stage but also while you’re in law school and as a practicing attorney (2024 me can now confirm this)


Why did you apply to law school? Why do you want to be a lawyer?

Keep that at the forefront of your mind while navigating the tedious and long application process, studying for the LSAT and writing draft after draft of personal statements, resumes and additional statements you need to or want to include in your application.

And keep it at the forefront during your time in law school. As many have shared with me and I can attest to, law school is not easy but its worth it. If you following your why and remind yourself of it whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, exhausted or just crappy.

The reminder invigorates you. Allows you to have a fresh perspective on whatever it is you’re handling at the moment.

Law school is tough but if you remember why you are making the sacrifice, who you want to help, what you want to do with your J.D. it all makes sense.

Speaking of what you want to do with your J.D., this degree is so powerful because there is sooo many different things you can do with it. It is so versatile. So if you don’t know what you want to do with it yet, but know you want to go to law school, remember that WHY and focus on that too.

Your time here, your experiences, the people you meet, the volunteering you do will allow you to discover what you are meant to do or what you want to do, sometimes both.

Applying is a long, sometimes annoying, sometimes stressful process but if you keep your WHY first you’re one step closer to being where you want to be. And that is an exciting and powerful thing.

Good luck studying for the LSAT and applying, if there are ever any questions or you need advice don’t hesitate to reach out to me on here, by email or through Instagram!

Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla