Quarter Life Crisis

Year 24, the year everything changed.

Quarter Life Crisis | My Birthday Letter

November 24, 2022

What a year 24 was!!

I had no idea this time last year that I would be where I am today. My only goals were to graduate and have a job that made me happy, to be back home in Miami and to have really solid friendships.

I can definitely say I achieved those goals but it was a journey to say the least.

24 was the year I graduated from law school, with a GPA even I’m not sure how I achieved after a rocky start + not knowing if law school was for me after all. I got to my desired 3.0 which even though that is pretty low for law school standards, was all I wanted, a B.

I passed the Florida Bar Exam on the first try, a feat I am still shocked by in the best way. I gave that exam my all, all while navigating mental health setbacks, feelings of imposter syndrome + learning to live at home again. I’m just really damn glad I don’t have to do it again because I was not the best version of myself during that time but I know it all paid off in the end. I am forever grateful that I had a support system around me during the process, I couldn’t have done it alone. OMG, I did it, I became a lawyer! The number one goal on my vision board for 2022 came true!

I got to spend 3 weeks in Europe on a trip I had saved up for for almost 4 years and I did it all with no checked luggage lol. I met one of my best friends on this trip, I ate incredible food, got to experience some wild nights out, explored new countries and cities and I learned a lot about myself and the people I want to surround myself with when I got back home. This experience was so much more than a treat after a grueling summer and stressful law school journey, it was the kick off to the life I’ve built for myself and it was one of the best summers of my life!

What they don’t tell you about graduation and moving into the next chapter of your life, true adulthood is that even though you have the job and the friends, it’s still an adjustment. We have to learn to be adults for the first time for real. Bills, salary negotiations, finding mentors and creating friendships at work, how to “balance” a career that demands so much of you with what truly makes you happy and still having time for hobbies, family and friends. And making time for yourself too.

All of this is what has truly defined year 24 for me. I ultimately chose to become an entrepreneur directly out of school even though that was never the plan. And I’ve struggled with that decision for months.

Sleepless nights, debilitating anxiety to the point of pushing away my family, ruining friendships and relationships and becoming a version of myself that I really wish I hadn’t been. But thankfully having a core handful of friends (not a group, just a few people I truly trust and love) that I could go to and vent, break down, share how I feel and have them guide me back to me helped.

I was reminded what’s truly important, how far I’ve come and what I deserve. I’m still working on this, shedding the hurt and sadness but allowing what I’ve learned and realized about myself and what I want to fuel me going into the next year.

Becoming an entrepreneur has helped too. It’s the hardest job in the world because passion isn’t enough. There’s no amount of classes or school that can teach you how to start and run a business. It is inherently personal and it’s shaped by how you feel as a person. But having an outlet to really express myself and pursue my purpose in life has shaped me like no other.

Leaning into my gut instinct the last few years has taught me that I am someone who needs to feel aligned in everything I do. I need to let my gut guide me and let go of expectations and limiting beliefs. To not let what everyone else around me is doing color my goals and distract me from what I truly want. But following my gut also means going down a path less traveled, one that many don’t understand.

I’ve walked away from so many opportunities that would financially be better or that would allow me a better quality of life but that wouldn’t make me happy in the long run. I’ve lost friends, had countless mental breakdowns and fights with those close to me because I’m overwhelmed even though I know this is the right path. All because sometimes taking the traditional route would be “easier” but less fulfilling and I want to be fulfilled now not later.

Entrepreneurship is emotional, it’s overwhelming, it’s scary as hell. But it’s also freeing because I get to choose who I want to be and what I want to do. I get to build a team of people who believe in the same mission and goals as me. I get to put my heart out on the line and invite people to join me.

I also have to motivate myself and be disciplined even on days I don’t have it in me which has been a challenge. I have to stand up for myself to people who think they have a better idea of how to do things even though it’s not what I want or need. I have to tell myself everyday that while it’s hard it’ll be worth it. And that I’m good enough, meant to be doing this and that it’s ok that it’s not exactly how I want it to be yet, done is better than perfect.

I have to remind myself to keep pushing through because even though right now I’m working 2 jobs to be able to build my businesses, this is the best path for me and I’m learning so much more this way than waiting for the perfect time that will never come.

24 was the year of really listening to my gut, challenging those who didn’t or didn’t want to understand me, and learning to be ok with uncertainty.

There was so much uncertainty this year. From finals and my GPA to whether I was studying enough or correctly for the bar exam. To waiting for my results for over a month to not being sure if I had a job post grad to waiting to hear back from firms I sent my resume to. To now, trusting that even though right now I have no idea what I’m doing, I am building something great and it will be even better next year.

Entrepreneurship has given me so much more than I could have asked for. I am forever grateful for every decision in my life that has lead me to choosing this path. I’m grateful that I stuck it out in law school and finished, that I can combine my skills and build a career that I’m fueled by and that excites me.

That I’m building a support system of friends and a community that truly values me and respects me.

Year 24 was a lot of blindly trusting myself and the process and hoping that my best was enough. Now I know that it is. And year 25 will only be more of that.

I’m excited to see where the last half of my 20s takes me. I truly feel that I am just getting started. I’ve never been the girl to hope and dream of marriage and kids by 25. I want that of course but I want my career too. And right now I’m in my building empires era.

I am still learning to love myself and be proud of myself. I’m not quite ready yet for a relationship but when I meet the right person I know I’m willing to put in the work for one. I just know right now that’s not the priority. I know what I want and what I deserve, I want more for myself and I want to find a partner that supports that and empowers me. That allows me the space to become the woman I am meant to be. And when I find him I know that he’ll only add to my empire. And that he’ll help me love myself even more. But for now, growing my businesses and becoming more aligned with who I am, falling in love with my life and the people I choose to surround myself with is more than enough.

I have a really good feeling about year 25 in all aspects of my life. I’ve come so far in just a few years and I have a gut feeling that this next year is gonna be a pivotal one. I can’t wait to bring you all along for the ride, so be sure to stay tuned!

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday to Me,

xo Kayla