My Go-To Law School Apps and Websites

Keep in mind there might be better, newer resources available but some are classics!

April 9, 2020

Boy am I glad I’m in law school during the age of technology. We are so so so lucky we get to use the internet and smartphones alongside us in our education because it makes it so much easier and way more efficient.

There are some apps I can’t live without for school, as well as some websites and I’m going to share them here with you. I keep all my school apps in a law school folder on my phone. And the websites are all bookmarked on my safari homepage too.

First things first, Facebook. My school created a group for us when we all got admitted, and while we don’t use it often now it was how I got to know and connect with my classmates before I made a decision, and once I did how I found roommates and initial friends. We also use Facebook for textbook swapping, my school has a school wide buy/sell page for books and supplemental materials.

Also a plus, connecting with classmates in general, and also the meme groups dedicated to the law school experience, but I digress, moving on..

Groupme, this is how my class and my section stay connected on a day to day basis or weekly if you’re like me and mute the conversations. It’s a great way to reach out to class mates when you don’t have their phone numbers or emails. Also again the memes.

My school requires us to use Duo Mobile as a two factor authentication system to log into our my.utk accounts so that’s in there.

Evernote, because note taking is key, and sometimes my computer is charging or I remember something quickly I want to add or just to quickly skim on my way to class, etc. It’s a good to have app.

Quimbee. HOLY GRAIL let me tell you. Case briefs, videos explaining the cases, mini lesson videos. Flashcards, practice questions. You name it, they have it. We get access through our school, so be sure to check with your librarian, because this website/app is a lifesaver.

Barbri Study Plan. Another essential study tool, I used Barbri to help me review and prepare for finals. The lessons are amazing, especially for Civ Pro, god bless Richard Freer. You’ll understand when you watch.

Symplicity, is an app my school, and others, use for career services like resume help and for applying to jobs, OCIs (on campus interviews, more on this later), and signing up for events and speakers.

Lexis Advance. A great tool for researching. Some classmates use Westlaw, I use both but Lexis is my go to, so I have the app. Also you can earn points for researching and then buy stuff with the points. Like actual Michael Kors Watches, gift cards, it’s really cool.

Authy, is the two factor authorization for The Florida Bar Exam registration.

Not in my law school folder but important for a law student are budgeting apps, I use Mint. And my foods apps, Chipotle, Panera, Papa Johns. I order food to be delivered to my school regularly when I’m studying.

Also KEY is Publix Delivery. I order my groceries to be delivered to my apartment and its $10 a month for free delivery on orders of $35 or more, which is any order tbh, and its delivered in 2 hours. Makes meal prep so easy.

Can’t forget Uber and Lyft, and Starbucks, Spotify to get you through.

Also important is LinkedIn, as law school is a professional school and it’s important to start networking early and frequently. LinkedIn helps me get connected and stay connected to people I meet, people in the industries and jobs or cities I want to be in and keep in touch with my school, potential employers and more.

As for websites, the online Bluebook is my BFF for writing, AES Success for my loan payment every month (my loan servicer - yours might be different), TWEN, which my school uses alongside our portal to keep up with classes, turn in assignments and have access to class materials. Lexis Nexis Advance, Westlaw, my schools printing server, Black’s Law Dictionary, Quimbee and Barbri.

These are all favorited on safari and I use these regularly when researching, writing, reading and briefing my cases, and just staying up to date.

Also for me personally, I like to keep up with the news and what’s going on outside the library I practically live in, so I regularly check the News app on my phone and am subscribed to the Skimm to get a daily newsletter with what I should know is happening that day. Forbes and Business Insider are great as well, and 2024 me loves Bloomberg Business.

Honorable mentions: my banking apps, Unrollme (unsubscribe to emails – yes please), the activity app that comes with my Apple Watch, Walgreens for any prescription fills and Candy Crush to give me a few minutes of break when I need it.

For the record, I tried Ibotta, Acorns, Checkout 51, all of the cash back apps and I either forget to do it or it really doesn’t help me so just by having my groceries delivered honestly helps me save a lot of money and I’m more mindful of what I spend by tracking it all on Mint (now Credit Karma).

Sorry for the long post but these are the apps and tools I use to make law school even slightly easier to manage, and I hope these help you out too, thanks for reading!

xo Kayla