My Birthday Letter | Year 23

2020 was hard on us all, law school didn't help it one bit but overall 22 was a big year for me and set me on the trajectory that brought me this life.

November 24, 2020

I can’t believe tomorrow is already my birthday. It seems like this year was so slow yet I blinked and it’s been 365 days. Like I always do, leading up to my birthday I reflect on the last year so here we go!

What a year this has been… year 22 and 2020, what a rollercoaster this has been. 2017 was the beginning of a transformation for me, the beginning of my caterpillar years. 2020 was the beginning of me coming out of my cocoon.

With a team of therapy, solid friendships in my corner and the courage to be unapologetically and uncompromisingly myself in all my loud, feisty, emotional, passionate, intense, Latina glory.

2020 wasn’t easy for any of us, that is the understatement of the century… and for me going on this journey in a year where I really couldn’t fully explore all my newfound confidence and zest for life was extra tough. But this year has been a year of self discovery, healing, learning my boundaries and learning how to love myself which has made me a better and happier and more confident woman and I wouldn’t change that for anything.

I have grown tremendously personally, professionally, emotionally and discovered new passions and taken existing ones to a new level. I have created so many friendships with women online that I cannot wait to explore and nurture, something that has always been a struggle for me.

I have built an incredible network of people who truly want me to succeed and help me and encourage and support me and it has only bolstered my excitement to continue to pursue my legal career and a career in social media as well.

I made two very big girl purchases this year and also went back to my roots, working in a predominantly Spanish speaking environment. I have rediscovered my love for my hometown and my culture and created a home away from home I love too. So many changes and so many possibilities have come out of this extraordinary year.

In 2021 I am really looking forward to fostering these opportunities and embracing what’s to come. I am ready to become a butterfly and spread my wings free and fly high. As I always do on the eve of my birthday, I send out my wishes and resolutions for the year into the universe and put in motion my next chapter. No matter what comes my way next, I know that I am capable and strong and can handle anything life throws my way.

Here’s to looking forward to 2021 and year 23, I can only hope the new year is a better year for us all.

Cheers to another trip around the sun, thank you so much for being along for the ride, thanks for reading!

xo Kayla