How To Set Yourself Up For A Successful Week

Time management and prioritization are the KEY to productivity.

April 4, 2022

I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently about how I balance it all and my answer is alway time management and prioritization… but I have one more tip for you! Creating a routine for yourself to prepare for a new week!

I shared the other night on IG stories how I like to calendar everything and make lots of to do lists which is just one part of my weekend prep for a new week so I wanted to dig a little deeper for you here.

As always is recommended I start with a good nights sleep the night before, but in order to get that restful sleep, I like to make sure my space, priorities and what I’m wearing and eating the next day are laid out. It helps ease my anxiety and lets face it, mental health and having a good mindset leading into a new week play a big role!

So let’s get into a good mindset for a new week and a restful sleep:

(in no particular order, I do this throughout the weekend, not just Sunday)

+ Organizing my space

Cleaning, laundry, backing my bag for class, etc.

+ Planning what I want to wear

I do this based on what I have going on the next day, if its a more formal event, I’ll lay the clothes out on my bed or desk neatly so I don’t have to guess in the morning. Usually for class its jeans or leggings with a top and sweater or blouse! I share my OOTDs on my IG stories most days and have some posts on what to wear to law school classes here and to work (can be used for more formal events) here

+ Creating a to do list

I like to have a running master list with all my current to dos and I make a daily one every night! I use the Notes app on my phone for this but you can also use a planner/app. Whatever I don’t get to one day is continued to the next one, and I pull from the master list if I have the availability that week. I like to check them off so I know what I’ve done and still have to work on, and this helps me see my productivity which inspires me to be productive and get more done in a day or week than if I just try to remember to get stuff done

+ Have a morning routine

If you follow me on IG you know my morning routine has become really important to me and its something I share and tweak often. Its not a hard and fast one but having a few key steps I do has been a game changer for me. I like to have a slow start to my mornings so I budget that in my day and start with tasks that are leisurely but still bring me value, peace and joy

Some things I do include ice rolling my face and neck while I drink my coffee, listening to a podcast or fun music, a mini workout, have a yummy breakfast and my skincare routine. The beauty of morning routines is you can make them your own and you can go by your mood! Some people meditate or journal, others dry brush (I love this if I have time) and others make themselves a juice, you do you!

+ Make your bed every morning

Right when you wake up, the minute you get out of bed, make your bed. Its the first thing I do when I set my feet on the ground followed by opening my blinds and turning on the light. Its such a great way to feel productive right away and makes your space look put together. I started doing this after years of being told this by my parents but what really got me was Navy Seal Admiral McRaven’s commencement speech that my dad sent me one day. It makes such a difference in my day, space and mood. Its such a rush to feel productive so give it a shot!

+ Two out of three rule

Its my key to looking put together easy! There’s three elements to looking put together: hair, outfit, makeup, right? So the rule is in order to look put together, do two out of three. If I have hair and makeup done, I can wear loungewear or leggings. If I have a good outfit, I don’t need to go all out on hair and makeup, but I’ll do one of the two

And by makeup and hair I just mean simple, natural everyday minimal makeup and for hair just brushed and styled, even if it’s my natural texture. But when you do at least one, ideally two out of three, you instantly look polished and like you put in a little effort, even if you didn’t do too much – and it make’s you feel both productive and pretty so you’re going into a new week feeling good!

With this rule, I like to add some basic grooming and personal care tips:

If you self tan or spray tan, make sure to refresh going into a new week. If you do any kind of hair removal regularly, do it over the weekends to go into a new week on a fresh note. Same with nails if you get them done, or do them yourself. Personally there’s nothing worse than chipped or undone nails, it finishes the look I think.

I hope these tips help! I shared a more in depth look on my current morning routine here as well. Thanks for reading!

xo Kayla