Almost Halfway Through 3L Year and How It’s Really Going

Reading this back really makes me smile at my personal development and growth. Here's a sneak peak into what it looks like in the THICK of it.

October 17, 2021

It’s mid October and we have 31 class days left according to our Dean so I guess that means it’s time for a mid semester update. If you’re also freaked out by that number, let me just say he gave us a major shock when he told us because there’s still SO much I have to do between now and finals week, not to mention studying for finals.

Part of me is happy though because it has been such an overwhelming semester, and my best one yet personally. I’m excited for the trips I have planned from now through the spring semester and I’m looking forward to being back home for a month soon.

They say 3L year they bore you to death and its 3LOL but for me, and a lot of my classmates, that is definitely not the case. As much as we want to be checked out, there is just so much to get done and so much we want to achieve before our time at UT Law comes to an end. I for one, want to leave a legacy at school and knowing I am making an impact is giving me the strength to keep doing everything I can where I am involved on campus.

But academically I am struggling. I chose to take an advanced intellectual property class because it would be helpful to me in my career goals and interests but not having an IP or STEM background has made the class really tough. Luckily my other 3 classes are fairly straightforward and much more manageable for me, family law, entertainment law and images of the law. I LOVE my family law professor, entertainment law is my favorite class in law school ever and its what I want to do and images of the law is a fun class where we watch films and TV shows about the law and discuss them, their impact on the legal field and society and more.

I have 3 finals and a paper this semester which in hindsight wasn’t the smartest idea but it was necessary after I took a pretty light load in spring while I was working out a lot in my personal life. I also have my expository paper due this semester so I’m pretty overwhelmed. But enjoying my classes and being interested in what I’m learning does make it worth it!

I am also pretty involved on campus but as Hispanic Heritage Month ends today, I have a little more flexibility now.

Alongside classes I am of course running my social media platforms, this website and now my podcast! And I work part time at Rella Social, an all-in-one tool to help influencers run their business founded by my friend Natalie Barbu. I am loving this position and fostering my passion for working in social media beyond as a content creator myself.

As we near the end of the semester, bar prep is approaching which means getting my application finalized. I think I previously mentioned that I started my application in a previous post, and now I am in the process of converting my law student application so I can go through the Character and Fitness examination to be licensed as an attorney. I will be doing a whole podcast episodes on this and corresponding blog post so stay tuned. It’s definitely time consuming but it’s wild that we’re already here.

I’m currently working on reviewing my initial application to the Florida Bar and amending it to change or add anything that is new since early 2020, like summer employment and my references. After I officially submit that application, my background is checked and my character and fitness to be an attorney is examined and determined. And I’ll be able to sit for the bar in July 2020.

If you’re wondering, yes I am FREAKING OUT that it’s so soon.

With all of these things going on, and of course my own physical and mental health priorities, my fall 2021 semester is quite a semester. I have been chronically how I’m doing emotionally and in my healing and growth on IG a l lot more the last few months and now on the podcast, where I shared My Wellness Journey so go give it a listen!

I am actually doing really well right now, which feels incredible after a few years where I was at my lowest points consistently. I truly believe I am at the best place in my life I have ever been. I am being challenged physically, emotionally, academically and professionally and yet I am so proud of all that I have accomplished thus far and am working on that I am happy. Happy to acknowledge my growth and open to the opportunities to come.3

I have temporarily stopped seeing a therapist as the next chapter of my healing and growth is a personal and introspective journey with my body and my view of relationships and intimacy. I’m really looking forward to upcoming episodes with a dating coach and behavior analyst and a body image mentor coming soon, so stay tuned for both of those soon. I am learning a lot about how I’ve been approaching certain aspects of my life in ways that are not optimal for me and working to heal and learn ways to approach moving forward. A lot of my overwhelm recently has a lot to do with this and I’m being vague because this is something I want to share more on the podcast in a way that can actually be enlightening and empowering and because I just don’t know how to put it into words yet.

I am really looking forward to the next few months, finishing my 6th semester of law school (I took a summer class) and what’s next for me in my academic and professional endeavors. Oh and turning 24! It’s my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY!

EDITED TO ADD my law school composite that will be hanging in the law school forever and the Legally Blonde quote that really spoke to me the day we took these photos and I watched the movie for my images of the law class

As Elle Woods says in Legally Blonde, “it is with passion, courage of conviction, and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world, remembering that first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.” 

For the full caption I shared with this post, check out my IG here!

Stay tuned here for my annual birthday post, and follow The Let’s Get Candid Podcast to get to know me even better, there’s so much to come! Hope everyone has an amazing weekend, thanks for reading!

xo Kayla