24 Lessons I’ve Learned by 24

Part 2 of My Birthday Letter because it was a special one.

November 24, 2021

In honor of my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY, you get two birthday blog posts this year! Here are a few things I’ve learned over the years and the lessons that have gotten me through it all – I hope me sharing these and my story with you inspires and helps you as much as it does me as I write this!

The only person who truly has your back is you, focus on loving yourself, celebrate yourself and all your accomplishments. You’ve overcome so much, you got this, you’re amazing

Make sure you enjoy your own company

Romanticize your life, it’s the little things

Take a self care day when you need it

Do your skincare

Take care of your body and mind, eat nutritious food that you enjoy making and that tastes good and don’t forget to move your body

Get some sleep girl

Therapy is a beautiful thing and you don’t need to have anything wrong to go

It’s ok to take a break from social media. Take time off and come back better and stronger, your community will still be there and they’ll be happy to see you in a good place

These are your selfish years. Do what makes you happy, do want you want to do. Take the trip, go on that date, buy that item, whatever it is. This is the time to really be selfish, put yourself first and figure out who you are and what you want

It’s ok to have a bad day. You’re human, it’s normal. Embrace it, feel it, learn from it, evolve

Your friendships and relationships aren’t determined by how long a person has been in your life. Some of my closest friends are new and some of the people I’ve known forever I’ve grown apart from

If your friends don’t answer right away, that’s ok, we’re all evolving and working on ourselves, it doesn’t mean they’re not your friend and don’t love you if they’re not available to you when you want them to be

Don’t expect yourself from other people

If you need a confidence boost walk around naked and check yourself out in the mirror – full hair and makeup is an extra boost! Or like SFK does heels and cute lingerie

Don’t be afraid to eat alone. Not everyone is gonna get where you’re at or what you want, just keep doing you

Take yourself on dates, to a coffee shop, at a nice restaurant or bar. You’ll feel like a badass and it shows confidence

Fake it till you make it and once you make it, pass it forward

If you need to cry, let it out – even if it’s in public no one’s really paying attention to you

Give yourself a hug and say I love you to yourself

Call and FaceTime your friends, it’s so much more personal than a text

If you love something, love it with all of you – that’s so special

Regularly clean out the closet and clear the energy around you (clothes, things, people whatever it is that’s not making you happy and adding value to your life)

Listen to your body, it’s trying to tell you something

These are are in no particular order because they’re all of equal importance. Happy birthday to me!

xo Kayla